Proviron (DHT, Masterlone, Masterolone, Mesterolone)

Proviron (Masterolone) is an oral form of 1-methylated DHT (methyl-dihydrotestosterone). This is very strong androgen which is 3-4 times more effective than “normal” testosterone, it possesses no anabolic characteristics and no capabilities of converting to estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and achieve some progress. Unfortunately, there is a control mechanism for DHT in the body. When levels get too high it is being converted to an inactive compound. This inactive compound can equally be transformed in the opposite direction to… Read More »

Winstrol Depot (StanoJect, Stanozolol, Stanabol, Stromba, StrombaJect)

Winstrol (winstrol depot, oral winstrol) is a brand name of very popular anabolic steroid called stanozolol, which is  a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It has low androgenic ratio and thus low possibility of aromatization and estrogen-related side effects. It’s primarily usage in bodybuilding is cutting (relief) cycles. However, winstrol is widely used not only by bodybuilders but also by non-bodybuilding athletes such as runners, cyclists, football players, soccer or hockey players and fighters of all kinds (kick-boxers for instance); i.e. in the sports where you have to be swift but… Read More »